The love between animals is hard to explain. While some people out there don't consider animals to be living creatures capable of creating meaningful bonds, it's simply not true. One look at these pictures and anyone can see that animals are far more emotionally complex than we often give them credit for. Check out these adorable, heartwarming photos of animals who look like they're madly in love.
This Unlikely Pair

Bea the giraffe and Wilma the ostrich prove that no matter what kind of animal you are, you can find friendship in unlikely places. These two live on the 65-acre Serengeti Plain at Busch Gardens. This exhibit is filled with African elephants, birds, giraffes, rhinos, and zebras. While most animals tend to hang out with their own species, Bea and Wilma are different. The two were both born around the same time and have always gravitated towards one another and are often seen hanging out and enjoying each others' company by the water, according to the assistant curator.
Dachshunds Say 'I Do'

These dachshunds are about to get hitched and are looking mighty adorable in the process. Dachshunds are arguably among the most photogenic of dogs, which may be why they are so frequently captured in memorable shots like this one. Yep, there's the two wiener dogs, standing side-by-side in wedded bliss. They don't appear to be bothered by the custom tux and wedding gown each is wearing, nor do they appear to care that they're surrounded by all the niceties of the nuptials, bouquet and all. While you don't see them jumping around with glee or really rolling over in a relaxed pose, they do appear to be comfortable in each other's company. We'll call it a win.
Kitten Kisses

You've gotta love the full-on cat family snuggle. They're not family by birth, but certainly by the fact that they've been chosen as adoptive pets by the same owner. They also sleep, play and eat together, so they spend most of their days together. If they didn't like each other at least a little bit, you'd think that the black-and-white cat wouldn't be surrounding the orange-tabby cat with his warm embrace. Then again, maybe the cinnamon cat doesn't have much choice in the matter. Either way, it's wonderful to see these two holding each other in such a warm-and-loving embrace.
Cats Walking Side-By-Side

You'd expect this photo to depict two love-birds of the human variety, here, walking hand-in-hand, while they are obviously exiting a cute cottage. Perhaps they're on a honeymoon or just two lovers on a romantic getaway. With that context, the cats still give you a sense of close-romantic ties. These two are so into each other that they are supporting each other with their bodies. Their tales are intertwined, and the black cat is fully reclined against the other. It's not play or something casual. From all appearances, this saunter reflects a beautiful relationship between cats. They've just gotta be in love. If they were human, you'd be imagining that this was the beginning of a long marriage. As it is, perhaps kittens will still be in order.
Snuggle By The Fire

These cats make us want to stop what we're doing and snuggle up next to the fireplace with a loved one. Look how comfortable the long-haired orange tabby looks2014so calm and ready for a nap, and the white cat has a look of pure relaxation on her face. There's no swishing of tales or ears flatted back in annoyance. They're not cleaning each other either. Instead, they're just calmly lying there, enjoying each other's company, or the warmth of each other's cat fur on a cold winter's day.
Cat And Dog Show Love

By now, you've likely come to expect that the dog will cuddle up with the cat without the slightest of objections, but this situation presents itself with older pets. The cat, in particular looks aged, with an old-man gray covering his chin and his fur not sporting the same old glossy sheen as it once did. The dog doesn't have the same well-worn visage about him, but he's still cuddling up with the tabby cat for comfort, companionship, and perhaps also warmth. There's a sense here that while the days are fleeting, this dog and this cat have also known each other for a long-long time. Their relationship is one for the ages. It will last until the end.
Then There Was The Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs come in all shapes and sizes, but mostly they are an oblong bundle of fur. While you might see them akin to a rodent, others see them as fun and sweet critters. This cat has obviously developed a close relationship with the guinea pig. She's snuggled up right next to him, while the guinea pig keeps his eyes open. You'd have to wonder whether the smaller of the two is worried about the cat or more concerned with what other predators might be coming upon him unaware.
Puppy Snuggle Love

This picture is so cute it might just break the internet. The gray kitten is snuggled up next to the golden retriever puppy, who appears to be taking a nap. You can imagine that the two pals were romping through the grass just a few minutes, until they collapsed, exhausted. They're still so young, barely old enough to be apart from their moms. Despite their cute antics and precocious ways, they're already forming the close bonds that will likely last for the rest of their lives. These two may not always be together, but they're already learning that they don't have to fear critters who are different.
The Cat Allows His Attention

You can really see the love or at least tolerance between your two pets when one of them comes up to the other and simply begins to lick their ears. It's a common, everyday activity, but there's also a sense that the dog could be chasing the cat, or the cat could be scratching his dog-pal. Instead, they are standing so close. The dog is wagging his tail, and the cat is sitting with a stark-still, poised position. The cat seems to suggest that he could really care less about the attention being given to him, but he also isn't shying away.
Hot Pink Marriage

This bride-and-groom cat pair isn't particularly thrilled to be dressed up in gaudy pink satin and lace, but they are posing for the camera, like it or not. The false eye, in particular, gives you the sense that the male cat is a baron or aristocrat of some kind. These cats also look like they're in some kind of altered state2014whether that be from the annoyance factor of being in the state of matrimonial bliss, or perhaps some form of pharmaceutical-grade relaxing mechanism. That is right in keeping with the standard bride-and-groom experience though. After all, how many brides take a little something to take the edge off on their wedding day?
The Romance Between Pete And Tally

If there was ever any doubt about their love for one another, the relationship between Pete and Tally was played out with all the adorable details via their Instagram account. Yep, they're one of those viral dog couples who love to share the evolution of their relationship2014and we love to follow. It makes for quite a story, after all. Who doesn't enjoy a love-conquers-all scenario, where two pets fall in love in a whirlwind romance that's played out on an epic, even viral scale? It's one of those heartwarming stories that we all love to follow.
A Kiss Goodbye

How cute are these two squirrels in this tree? This a heartwarming example of the tender bonds that animals can form with one another. We can picture it now: this squirrel couple wakes up to start their day. The snack on a delicious breakfast of acorns before it's off to work2014but not before one of them plants a big kiss on the other's cheek! Talk about relationship goals.
Miss Piggy Nuptials

On Sesame Street, Miss Piggy is in love with Kermit the Frog. But, here, these pigs are definitely more "real" and perhaps even romantically inclined. Just look at her walking down the aisle as carefree as you please, and her groom is attending not far behind. He appears to be a bit more interested in sniffing out something good to eat, but that's to be expected, right? You just can't expect every member of the wedding party to be on the same page all the time. Still, these two are well-behaved. They are doing their jobs on the wedding day, and they've made the whole experience unforgettable.
Bride's Look Of Disbelief?

More than any other romantic pet scenario in this series, you've got to see that this one really takes the cake. There's a little Chihuahua, dressed in a custom tux as he tenderly sniffs the boxer puppy. For her part, she's completely dismayed and worried in her wedded lace cap and flowing dress. There's even the addition of the paper bouquet, and the fabric arms to complete the ensemble. They appear to care for one another, but the situation has them all out of sorts. You can imagine the kerfuffle if you were put on the spot like that.
Basset-Hound Bliss

These basset hounds have that classic grumpy look about them, but at least his tongue is hanging out. If they've got to be put through the hassle of a wedding, they might as well appreciate the treats and other perks they'll get along the way. They're not so young, after all.
Of course, this is the perfect reminder that it doesn't really matter how young or old you are. It also doesn't matter whether you're exuberant and over-the-moon, or jaded and stuck in your ways. Like these grouchy old basset hounds, you can find the love of your life, and be happy.
The Epic Smile

If there was ever any doubt that a cat and a dog could love each other, and be absolutely happy together, here's the proof. The dog is smiling the biggest, most goofy smile, and the kitten is just lying there, so calm and serene. Their ears are all alert, but not pinned back in annoyance or discomfort. They are companions for life, snuggled into the fleece blanket and prepared for a long and comfortable slumber. While it's not always so easy to tell whether the pets love or even like each other, here it's absolutely obvious. There's no denying the affection these two have for one another. They'll be together until the end.
Love Birds Preening

There's nothing quite like watching two loving birds as they're perched side-by-side. They preen and clean each other because they enjoy the shared companionship and interaction and because they need to make sure that each of them is as clean as possible, getting rid of all the dirt, dust and other critters. If these two weren't' already so beautiful, it would be difficult to imagine that they could look even more so, but preening realigns all their feathers, leaving them in a perfect state. It may seem like just a love nibble or relaxing alignment of sorts, but really it's all this and so much more.
The Studious Wedding

The gray tabby cat looks like he's a 19th-century gentleman, and the white long-haired cat looks beautiful in her tailored-lace and satin outfit. These two lovely cats make quite the pair. They are standing still and somber for the first photos to mark their shared nuptials, but they also have all that glitz and glamour behind them. It's something of a time-warp conundrum. Are we looking at a throw back to the 19th century? Or are we looking at something more current? Whatever the case, these two are very tolerant toward each other. They may even love each other. While they aren't licking or snuggling, they certainly aren't avoiding each other either.
When A Cat Hugs A Dog

You probably smile when you see your cat hugging your dog like this. There's camaraderie there, but also sibling rivalry. Here, though, it appears that the kitten is on the attack, and the dog is tolerating the precocious advance. What's he going to do? If he reacts, the owner-photographer will probably tell him to stop, but there's also the realization that she's only a kitten. Perhaps you could even say, "She doesn't know any better..." Of course, that excuse must get old pretty fast for the tolerant fellow pet. Does he wonder: "When will she just grow up?"
Two Elephants In Love

While it may appear to be just an engagement photo shoot, there's more here than meets the eye. After all, elephants are intelligent and really loving creatures. They have great memories too, which means that if any of the people in this photo had been mean or cruel, they would have remembered long after the initial incident, and could have retaliated. Elephants have even been known to storm villages in their angst.
The fact that they are so calm, entwining their trunks back and forth together and even leaning against each other, is a perfect example of what real love can be for animals as well as humans. It may seem that they're just tamed animals, not worth learning from. But, they've lived long lives, and somewhere along the line, they've found each other.