Finding true love is not always the easiest thing in the world. It can mean dating many different people in the hope that the right person comes along and we realize they are "the one." From blind dates and internet dating to random encounters on the street, how we find love is different for every single person. Some people find love in the craziest of places and it almost always sneaks up on them. We found a group of people who discovered their soul mates in unique ways. If you haven't found love yet or you need to be reminded how amazing it is that you've found love, these people will inspire you.
A Horrible Blind Date That Turned Into Love

Brian was on a blind date when he met the woman who would become his wife 2014 and it wasn't the person he had just met. His future wife explains their story. "Is it awkward if I stare? Is it awkward if he's staring? Ok, this is really awkward." Brian was set up on a date by friends but he couldn't take his eyes off a different woman! After a short period of time, he left with his blind date and the story could have ended there. Instead, twenty minutes later he dashed back into the bar and made a b-line towards the woman he couldn't get out of his mine. Out of breath from his dash back into the bar, he managed to get out an introduction. "Hey! I'm Brian. I'm not sure if you noticed, but I've been staring at you all night while I was on the worst blind date ever." It turns out Brian walked his date home and quickly returned to see if the women he had been paying attention to was still there. She soon found out that Brian lived in Florida but after one magical night they decided to try the long distance route. Despite a long-distance relationship, they made it work and found true love.
Hitchhiking For Love

It's not safe to hitchhike these days but years ago it was a surprisingly typical practice. One couple in California found love because of a ride request. Reddit user hyulz shared the story of how they came to be. His dad was driving through the state when he saw a young woman around his age hitchhiking on the side of the road. His dad decided to be a good Samaritan and offered the woman a ride. Hyulzand the hitchhiker ended up talking for hours and decided to give dating a try. The couple who met on the side of the road has now been together for more than 40 years. You really never know where you'll find true love.
A Tattoo And True Love - Six Months Later

This couple met when the guy decided to get a tattoo. His tattoo artist was intrigued by the meaning of the new ink. Six months later the future couple found out they were both single at the same time. "He messaged me about getting another tattoo. It was a more extensive piece of artwork this time so we decided to meet at Starbucks beforehand to go over the design," she explained. She broke the ice when she was late to their meeting by texting a simple message, "I'm gonna be a little latte." The next day they spent four hours together as she worked on his tattoo. The conversation became so intense she had to run out of the room, "I rushed out because my heart was beating out of my chest." She texted him later in the day and asked if he would attend an art show. They eventually married and have been together ever since.
Couchsurfing For Love

Reddit user Malmoite had just graduated from university and decided to go backpacking around Europe. He visited the website and posted a request for recommendations about places to go and things to see. A girl from Sweden told them about some cool places to visit and said he could crash on her couch. Malmoite admits that he hates communicating by email but decided to keep in contact with his new friends after they ran out of money and made an early exit back to the United States. It turns out his new friend was also graduating and decided to spend seven months traveling around the United States.
"Almost exactly a year after she responded to my first post she asked if she could couch surf with me in Oregon. We finally met on October 13th, 2007," he wrote. She stayed for a week and in a bold move, our couch surfing friend says, "While she was waiting for her flight in NYC back to Sweden on October 30th I confessed that I didn't want her to go and she responded in kind. The next week I bought my ticket to see her, and her family, in Sweden." This intercontinental love story doesn't end there, as the young college graduate applied for a Swedish Residency Permit and flew out to meet his new lover. They were eventually approved for permanent residency and have only returned to the United States one time.
Once The Ring Bearer And The Flower Girl

This couple met in a really unique way. When they were just five years old they were asked to be the ring bearer and flower girl at a family and friend's wedding. The girl was really excited to walk down the aisle while the boy was basically forced to take on ring bearer duties. Even at five-years-old, the girl knew she had a huge crush on her young friend. In middle school, they ran into each other at a church event and he soon realized there were now feelings for the girl. They soon lost touch with each other but reconnected in high school and started dating a short time later. The couple eventually got engaged and walked down the aisle at the same church they had met 17 years earlier. You really never know when you'll find true love or how it will manifest itself in the future.
A Barbara Streisand Long-Distance Love Story

In 1975, a future husband and wife met because they were part of the same Barbara Streisand fan club. Steve was living in England at the time and Jackie was in Brooklyn, New York. They decided to exchange addresses and shared more than 15,000 pictures with each other. Steve decided to visit Jackie in 1980 and immediately realized they were love struck after returning home. They had known each other for years but had never had the chance to connect on a more personal level. In a very bold movie, Steve returned to the United States four months later and asked Jackie to marry him. "I was a bit worried that I was rushing into it, but I knew she was the one for me. On my third visit to New York, we were married at The Plaza Hotel," Steve said. They chose that location because it is where Barbara Streisand's famous movie "The Way We Were" was filmed. The couple was married for 33 years until she sadly she passed away in 2013. Steve shared their story in the hopes of inspiring other hopeless romantics to go wherever their heart leads them.
They Met In The Pouring Rain

This couple met while standing in the cold, pouring rain in Boston. They were both attempting to unsuccessfully hail a cab. When a car finally arrived they didn't want the other to freeze so they shared a ride. The two men ended up talking all night long. In a surprising moment, he realized his old high school teacher was the other guy's boss. A few months after his new friend showed up on his doorstep in the pouring rain. "Just like you see in the movies. Like an idiot, I let him leave. The next morning, I called him and apologized for making a huge mistake and asked if we could take things slow," he says. Taking things slow only lasted two weeks and soon they were inseparable. Sometimes you just have to take a chance on love and see where it leads you.
It Was Planned Since Birth

No, we're not talking about an arranged marriage, but it was pretty darn close. This couple met because their moms were best friends since high school. They became pregnant at the same time and were thrilled to find out their children would be the same age. Adam was born three weeks before his future wife. Adam grew up in Westchester, New York while his friend grew up in Denver, Colorado. Growing up, she was constantly told about her mom's best friend and her son. She says they seemed to be living parallel lives, "I would fall off my bike and scrape my leg and the next week he would randomly do the same."
While in high school her family decided to take a trip to Westchester, New York to meet up with Adam's family. They immediately became friends and stayed in contact. "During Senior year, Adam called me one day and asked me to go to prom with him. I couldn't have been more excited. I booked my plane ticket and before I knew it, I was on my way back to Manchester again for a weekend that would change my life. Adam kissed me during the last slow song and it was then I realized we were meant to be together." They started attending different colleges but their relationship remained as strong as ever. Speaking of their love for each other she says, "I2019m convinced our moms planned it to be this way all along."
Taking A Chance On Love And The Military

Katie was 12 and Jarek was 13 when they first met. They quickly became friends and stayed in touch as they went their separate ways. Katie ended up having a child from another relationship but always stayed in touch with Jarek. After she ended her previous relationship she continued to talk with Jarek, who had joined the Navy. The future couple knew they had feelings for each other but Jarek had moved from Illinois to California, where he lived on a Navy base.
During one of their phone conversations, Jarek asked Katie if she wanted to finally give a relationship a shot. Katie agreed and prepared to move to California to be with her long-time friend. One week before Katie was ready to move onto the base, the Navy told Jarek she couldn't live with him because they weren't married. Jarek prepared to move off base but found out he couldn't leave because he hadn't been stationed for at least one year. Jarek asked what could be done and was told he had to be married. After a night out with his military friends, Jarek bought an engagement ring, called Katie, and proposed. He told her it was worth taking a chance on love and if it didn't work out they would still always be friends as they had been for many years prior. They married as soon as Katie arrived in California. It has been 7 years since they were married and they are now raising four children together. The couple still does everything together and even founded Qikpix, a technology-based photography company that combines Jarek's love of building companies with his wife's professional photography career.
An Elevator Pitch And A Wedding

The saying "fortune favors the bold" couldn't be any more true for this couple. The husband explains how on April 15, 1986, his decision to approach his wife changed both of their lives forever. He was supposed to meet his friend Jim for lunch when one of seven elevator doors opened and he watched his future wife step off and walk towards the receptionist desk. "A young woman squeezed out of the crowded elevator, and I stepped back to let her off before entering. She smiled politely and turned to walk toward reception. She was the most beautiful woman I2019d ever seen," he explained.
He immediately realized he had to learn more about this woman and offered to escort her to the desk. "She asked to speak to one of the lawyers, apparently a distant relative. Within a few minutes, I had finagled an invitation to join them for lunch," he adds. Shortly after that lunch, they went on their first date. He says after two dates he knew they would get married and by the third day they were "practically living together." On their 25th anniversary, the couple went back to 180 N. LaSalle Street in Chicago and took a photo at that same 34th-floor elevator where their lives changed forever.
Airport Security Line And A Mom With No Shame

This couple met while standing in a security airport line at LAX in Los Angeles. They were both heading to Austin, Texas, but only made eye contact a few times while waiting at the gate. It was the woman's mom who actually helped kickstart their relationship. "When I arrived in Austin, my mom met me at baggage claim to help me with my suitcase. She spotted Eric across the way and blurts out,
"Did you talk to him?"
"No mom," she snapped back, "And he can more than likely hear you." A week later she returned to the airport to fly home. "When I looked up, I noticed Eric sitting directly across from me. I was shocked! What are the chances?" He recognized her and quickly started a conversation. When they landed in L.A. he offered her a ride home, even though she lived in Venice and he was in Hollywood. They grabbed dinner that night before he dropped her off and then started dating immediately after their first meal together. They now have a place together in Venice and even adopted a "quirky" Gold Retriever they named Charlie. It turns out that sometimes moms just know things before we do.
Shoveling An Entire Block So They Could Be Married

It's always amazing when someone is so proud of their grandparents that they have to share how they met. On the Instagram account "HowWeMet" one woman shared the story of her grandparents' courtship. "My grandparents met when they were young at a mutual friend's wedding. My grandma was there with her family while my grandpa attended with a few of his service buddies." Her grandfather left after their first meeting but stayed in touch with his future wife while serving his country. They started to date immediately after he left the armed forces. On the day of their wedding, there was a massive snowstorm. "My Grandma's dad had to shovel their whole block just so the limo could get through," she explains. It was a good thing they were able to make the marriage work, they now have four children, 11 grandchildren and a great-grandson 2014 and counting! They returned to Tavern on the Green, where they were engaged, for their 50th wedding anniversary. They are still in love 60 years later!
A Missed Opportunity In The Big Apple

Candace left her southern roots behind to chase after a fashion design career in New York City and her future husband, Jean Paul, also headed to the big city to chase his dreams as an executive chef. Jean Paul first laid eyes on his future wife while riding the subway. He knew immediately he wanted to talk to Candace but he let the opportunity slip through his fingers as she exited the train and the doors closed behind her. As luck would have it, the future couple ended up on the same train 12 hours later. This time he didn't wait, immediately starting up a conversation with his future wife. They quickly discovered that they had both moved to the city to pursue their dreams. On the day of their wedding, Candace designed her own wedding dress. Remember to always chase your dreams and find someone who supports you and your story may just end up like this happy couple.
A Neon Truck And A Marriage

Sometimes your future husband catches your eye immediately and sometimes it's their crazy neon truck. In the summer of 2010, a woman and her co-worker decided to go and grab lunch instead of ordering in, as they usually did. While eating their meal, Michael pulled up in his company's crazy green neon colored truck. He was working as a brand rep for a Brazilian liquor company. "As he was ordering at the counter, he overheard me trying to pronounce the company's name from the side of the truck to my friend." Michael quickly jumped in to correct the name they were pronouncing. "I mentioned that I sing and he told me he was in a band that was actually playing down the street later that night." Michael quickly ran out to his company vehicle and brought back two tickets. She jokes that he still tells people to this day that she, 201cactually showed up!201d The music lovers soon turned into actual lovers and started recording music together in their free time. Michael helped her get over her stage fright and soon they were performing together in a band called S+M.
A Carpool Love That Blossomed Quickly

When Orrin and Betty met they were both attending the same Jewish youth group 2014 that was 63 years ago! Orrin had a car and Betty needed a drive to the group. He volunteered to carpool with Betty and the rest is history. The couple is still as playful today as they day they met. They posted a fun conversation they have had ongoing for years. Orrin: "How long is this going to take?" "About a half hour, why?" Orrin: "Because I have an engagement at 5:00." "Oh stop it," Betty exclaimed. "The engagement he's talking about is at our home with me. We sit down and have a martini every night at 5 PM." They have spent every afternoon together since they met!
She Had One Foot On The Train

Gilbert and his future girlfriend met in the 7th grade. He was the school's star quarterback and he actually tried to win over the high school's head cheerleader but failed in his first attempt. On Valentine's Day he prepared to give her a single chocolate rose and a Valentine's Day Snoopy stuffed animal. When she returned to her locker with gifts from various admirers she said he looked, "seemingly defeated." Over the next four years, the couple became good friends but then attended different colleges.
In 2011, they had both graduated and were in New York City at the same time. Gilbert was visiting with family and asked if they could meet at some point. With all of the bar hopping that night they kept missing each other. "Finally, at 5AM, I was about to board a train at Penn Station and head back to New Jersey when Gilbert pleaded with me not to get on. I had one foot on the train and one foot off as he came running down the steps." She suddenly realized that her old friend had transformed into a "debonair man." After a few months of unofficially dating, they bonded over their love of football. "Now he is the only Valentine I want for life."
Three Hugs Sealed The Deal

There is nothing unique about meeting on a dating app these days. However, this couple found a connection because of a genuine bit of nerves." She had just gotten out of a relationship two months before meeting David. Heading into her second year of Law School she was convinced their first date would be their last. "We had our first date at a gastropub and I thought he was kind, funny, smart, and most importantly, genuine." When the date was drawing to a close David was too nervous to kiss so he hugged his future girlfriend three times instead. "After that date, we just couldn't leave each other alone and haven't been able to ever since!"
She Walked Into A Weightlifting Class By Accident

This couple met when the woman accidentally walked into a weightlifting class during her senior year of high school. "I walked into what I thought was my P.E. class but turned out to be a weightlifting class. When I looked around the room, I immediately noticed I was the only female and turned to run for the door." As she prepared to leave Phil walked in. She was struck by his looks and decided to stay in the class, despite being the only female. The future couple soon discovered they had several classes together and only lived five minutes from one another.
At first, she was heartbroken to discover Phil had a long-distance girlfriend. That all changed after Phil broke his wrist, "We were paired up together since I was the only other person who lifted as light. Phil took me to homecoming, met my family, and helped me through a very painful time in my life." She says it was a blessing that Phil was dating someone else when they met because it allowed them to become very close friends before they started their new life together.
Met At A College Neither Of Them Attended

A Reddit user and his wife met at college. There's nothing out of the ordinary there. However, he explains that they met at a college neither of them attended. "We both randomly went to a party at UMass Dartmouth. Neither of us went there, but we had friends that dormed together," they explain. They soon discovered that they both live in Massachusetts on opposite ends of the state. They met after both of their friends disappeared from the party. The future couple shared a bag of Doritos and talked until 3AM. They have now been together for eight years, got married, and have two-year-old twins. Love often arrives when we are not looking for it.
They Met Because Her Internet Was Broken

It's easy to get mad when your internet goes out and your computer stops working. This couple literally met because of an internet outage. This couple met because the right customer service representative picked up the phone. After her internet went out the woman called customer service to receive the help she needed. "We had lots of down time because I was constantly restarting the computer and we would chat about whatever. We hung up with a plan to talk the next night because I had to get some antivirus software," she explains. He kept his promise and called the next night. After several more hours on the phone, they exchanged email addresses. He eventually sent a simple email asking if her internet was working. Soon, they started to chat privately and two weeks later he sent her flowers.
Seven weeks later the future couple met after driving two hours to meet in the middle. "We've been together ever since. We would take turns visiting every weekend for a year. We missed three weekends that whole year. Then he moved up to be with me," she concludes.