Leg Fatigue From Cardio on an Elliptical

Using the elliptical machine can give you an effective aerobic exercise, and the pressure on your muscles and joints is much less than running or jogging on a hard ground. However, exercise on the elliptical machine requires a certain amount of endurance and endurance, just like other aerobic exercises. Some fatigue is normal, but if you don't have a good figure or adequate nutrition, leg fatigue will happen faster and more obviously.

a woman is using an outdoor elliptical machine. The characteristic of (picture: anetlanda / iStock / Getty Images)

is that when your leg muscles cannot contract normally, your legs will be fatigued due to running, or similar running movements will occur when using elliptical machine. Your legs may feel heavy and experience pain or cramps. The feeling of fatigue is usually accompanied by a burning sensation in the legs, but it disappears in a few minutes. Standing or using your legs can also cause difficulty or minor pain. It is generally believed that the accumulation of lactic acid is the cause of muscle fatigue. Lactic acid is a by-product of muscle contraction, but this theory has been proved to be untrustworthy. Scientists at Columbia University have shown that one of the factors leading to muscle fatigue is calcium leakage. Their study found that at some point during exercise, tiny channels in muscles begin to leak calcium, which reduces muscle contraction and leads to fatigue. The initial aim of the study was to produce a drug for patients with heart disease, but subsequent trials confirmed that the same principle applied to skeletal muscles, particularly leg muscles. No matter what the exact mechanism of leg fatigue is, some conditions have been found to help during or after aerobic exercise. These include malnutrition, dehydration, muscle weakness and overwork. Overwork is a common cause of leg fatigue for novices who don't know what the fatigue threshold should be. Although using an elliptical device is a low impact sport, it still requires the endurance and strength of your leg muscles. Once your leg muscles become strong, they work more efficiently and take longer to fatigue them. Your muscles also need to provide the right energy in the form of nutrition and water; lack of nutrition and water can lead to early start of exercise fatigue. If you just use the elliptical machine to start an aerobic exercise program, adjust your own speed, and stop once your legs start to feel tired. Start slowly and gradually increase your intensity in a few days or weeks. Add leg muscles to your fitness plan. Drink water before and after the activity to keep moisture. If you use the elliptical machine for more than 30 minutes, take a break and drink water during the activity. Eat a healthy, nutritious diet so that your leg muscles have the right fuel. If you are a temporary user of elliptical machines, it should be helpful to eat a meal rich in carbohydrates and some protein and fat on the day you exercise. If you are a more serious athlete, you should consult a certified sports nutritionist to find a diet that suits your needs. If you are tired or your legs are sore, take more rest and avoid exercising on the elliptical machine. If preventive measures do not help, consult your doctor.