If you're a good parent, you spend a lot of time with your children. You also participate in a lot of activities geared toward kids. One popular pastime is watching movies. And while some kid films are pretty good, others make you want to poke your eyes out. Check out some hilarious tweets parents have written about watching movies with their kids...
Today's Parents Worry Films Can Cause Childhood Trauma
Twitter @yenniwhite
Kids who grew up in the '80s watched all sorts of animated films and TV shows. Many parents assumed the programming was decent and didn't worry too much as long as it was geared towards youngsters. Attitudes have since changed. Today, parents often watch animated programs with their kids and are sometimes turned off by the content.
Remember when Bambi's mother died at the beginning of the movie? Parents of '80s kids didn't worry too much about it. Parents today are fearful that their little snowflakes may be scarred by the scene and that it will haunt them for the rest of their lives.
Kids Today Get Instant Access To Their Favorite Films
Twitter @TheCatWhisprer
Years ago, kids who didn't see their favorite movie in the theater had to wait for what seemed like forever before the film was released on VHS. After months of anticipation, they would eagerly go with their parents to rent the movie (and maybe purchase some candy at the counter too).
Today, movies go from theater to Netflix a lot quicker. In fact, if you have a bit of technological know-how you can often stream the movie illegally while it's still in theaters. While most people don't do it, some can and do, although it's debatable that a toddler has the ability.
One little girl compared her mom to Cinderella for all the wrong reasons.
Kids Like Comparing Their Parents To Animated Characters
Twitter @martinisandmini
Kids say the darnedest things. Just when you think they're going to praise you for something or give you a compliment, they turn it around and say something completely opposite. This parent has a daughter who recently watched Cinderella. She tells her mom she'd like the movie because she's similar to the main character.
No, it's not because her mom is beautiful. It's because she cleans a lot, just like Cinderella. It's hilarious, but it's also very poignant. Most moms do clean a lot, and that's because their kids can be so messy. Hopefully their daughters realize their moms can be organized and pretty at the same time.
Kids' Taste In Movies Can Be Questionable
Twitter @WendiAarons
Many parents are forced to watch children's films instead of more grownup selections because they want to make their kids happy. But not all kids' films are good. Some are downright awful. Yet, many times kids will love a film that their parents dislike.
This mom is particularly disturbed that her child is such as fan of The Smurfs movie. Even though she may be embarrassed by her child's delight, the kid is obviously nonplussed. Different strokes for different folks.
Films Can Be Technological Babysitters
Twitter @martinisandmini
One of the great things about movies and technology in general is that it can be a great distraction. Children are a lot of work and oftentimes demand a lot of attention. Getting them to sit still for a set amount of time can be challenging. But if they're watching something entertaining, it can be mesmerizing.
This mom is delighted that her son liked the film Cars so much that he didn't even ask for a snack while watching it. That may not sound like a big deal, but to parents who need a break, it's huge.
This dad has no love for one popular Disney character.
There Is Such A Thing As Too Many Princesses
Twitter @XplodingUnicorn
Kids don't have too much trouble developing obsessions. Once they latch on to something, they run with it. This includes little girls who watch princess movies such as Tangled, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, Cinderella, and The Little Mermaid. Before long, they want everything that's princess related.
But this dad has had enough. There's only so much princess-related memorabilia and gear he can tolerate. And it must be invading a big chunk of his home because he's at his wit's end. Don't be surprised if Cinderella shows up on women's feminine products some day.
Eventually, Cute Characters Become Annoying As Heck
Twitter @yenniwhite
You may enjoy watching a favorite film a couple of times, but kids somehow get fixated on films and watch them over and over again. It could be daily. It could be several times a day. It could get to the point where they have the entire film's dialog memorized. While fun for them, it can be ingratiating to parents.
This mom is one parent who's had it with the Minions. There comes a point when the cute and clever characters become annoying and unbearable. All it takes is 97 viewings.
Even The Beast Has Some Good Qualities
Twitter @OneFunnyMummy
Animated films aren't known for being 100 percent realistic. They are make-believe and feature stories and characters that are not anything like real life. But sometimes a character's actions are clearly enviable. Take this mom. She may not understand the allure of the beast from Beauty and the Beast, but he has one thing up his sleeve that's irresistible.
What book lover wouldn't fawn over their own library? Instead of paying for love in cash, the Beast shows off his affection by offering Belle access to a room of knowledge. There's nothing wrong with that, right?
Even children's films can make parents cry.
Some Kids' Movies Make You Cry
Twitter @LetMeStart
Just because a film is geared towards kids doesn't mean it's shallow and unaffecting. Some kid's movies are actually quite moving. This mom openly admits that when she watches the animated film Coco, she cries. She isn't embarrassed to admit that the movie brings tears to her eyes.
Coco centers on a boy named Miguel who wants to be a musician even though his family prohibits him from playing music. He winds up meeting a friend named Hector in the Land of the Dead and learns the true story about his family's music ban.
No, Mom, You Can't Sing Like Moana
Twitter @UnfilteredMama
Kids are funny creatures. They can get hooked on a film and watch it dozens of times. But that doesn't mean what happens on screen translates to real life. This mom can relate. Her kids are big fans of Moana and love listening to the movie's musical numbers. But the minute mom starts singing, watch out!
Her children are much less receptive to her singing voice than they are to Moana's. Maybe she's a bad singer. Or maybe they simply prefer the animated character's voice to the person who feeds them, takes care of them, and puts them to bed each night.
Most Children's Films Aren't Oscar Nominees
Twitter @daddydoinwork
When you have young children, you don't have a lot of time to yourself. Sometimes, it can be a couple of years before you leave them home with a babysitter. As a result, you don't always get to see the newest films in the theaters. In fact, you may not even see them at home.
The movies parents watch most often are typically animated. They often involve princesses or talking animals. It's rare for many parents to have time to themselves to watch a grown-up film. So forget about that popular, Oscar-nominated film. You may have to wait a few years to see it.
Kids' Movie Soundtracks Are The Bomb
Twitter @yenniwhite
They say your life will never be the same after you have a child. They don't tell you that giving birth or raising a kid will change your taste in music too. This mom knows firsthand what it's like to be deeply ingrained in her child's lifestyle. They even listen to the same music.
She notes how one of her favorite albums is the Trolls soundtrack. It's likely she wouldn't feel the same way if she didn't have children. But exposure to children's films has made her a lover of all things Trolls, including the music.
You'll Likely Play The Disney Villain In Make-Believe Games
Twitter @Marlebean
Kids love acting out scenes from their favorite movies. Role-playing is integral to child development. Naturally, they often ask their parents to play make-believe with them. But if you're a mom, don't expect to play Cinderella. Your kid is likely to choose the cool/attractive/desirable roles.
This mom's child thinks she should play the Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Or better yet, she could play Ursula the Sea Witch from The Little Mermaid. It's not a dream role, but aren't villainous characters more fun to play anyway?
The Princess Invasion Is Inevitable If You Have Little Girls
Twitter @XplodingUnicorn
The more kids you have, the less time you have to yourself. Kids are very time consuming, and when you spend leisure time with them, you're usually doing things they want to do or watching the films they want to see. It's a sacrifice all parents make.
This dad knows from firsthand experience. No, he hasn't seen a new movie in a really long time. The reason? He has four daughters. And all his little girls have on the brain are princesses. It's even better if they sing.
Is it even worth taking two 5-year-olds to a movie theater?
You May Regret Taking Your Kids To The Theater To See A Film
Twitter @PinkCamoTO
It's one thing to watch a movie with your kids at home; it's an entirely different experience when you take them out to the movie theater. First, you have to pay for tickets. Second, you have to pay for concessions. It's not cheap. And are they really paying attention?
This mom knows how tough it can be to take two kindergartners to a movie. They may like the idea of seeing a film on the big screen, but apparently, they'd rather be home doing something else. Is it really worth dragging two small children out to watch a film?
Many Parents Would Like A Real Mary Poppins In Their Lives
Twitter @byclintedwards
Parents appreciate children's films for many reasons. They can be very entertaining, contain colorful characters, and occupy your kids for nearly two hours. But the storylines may also hit close to home once in a while. This mom has a big appreciation for Mary Poppins because she offers to freely watch other people's children.
Childcare isn't cheap these days. Imagine having a magical person simply pop into your home with the intent of taking your kids off your hands for a couple of hours. It would be a dream come true.
Minions & Toddlers Are Not So Different
Twitter @TwinzerDad
Sometimes you watch a movie and it feels like the filmmakers looked at your life and wrote a story about it. This dad (who goes by the Twitter handle Twinzer Dad and may have twins) compares the movie Despicable Me to his own experiences raising children.
Basically, the minions are like his toddlers. You don't always know what they're trying to say, they're very chaotic even if they appear to offer help, and they fight all the time. Both the minions and the toddlers also happen to wear overalls. We're guessing whoever created the yellow characters had a lot of experience raising kids.
Always Make Sure Your Kids Have Their Own Snacks
Twitter @really10months
You would think that watching a film with your kids would be a relaxing experience -- or at least an entertaining one. But not every kid is content to plop themselves down in front of the TV and quietly watch a Disney film. Oh, no. Kids are much more complex than that. Especially if they're fighting with their siblings.
This parent relates how her kids couldn't get through Inside Out without arguing over a frozen beverage. The film, which features different emotions, appropriately brought out anger and disgust in both the mom and the kids. Why didn't she get them each their own Icee?
You've got to love when kids' films have unintended adult jokes.
The Inside Jokes Are The Best Part Of Children's Films
Twitter @outsmartedmommy
You sometimes have to wonder what goes on in the minds of filmmakers. Those who work on kids' movies often include jokes that only parents understand. That way both the kids and mom and dad can enjoy the film. But sometimes, they come up with ideas that are much funnier than they intended.
This mom found it awfully amusing when her child couldn't get his "Buzz" down. He's the astronaut from Toy Story. This same kid also commented about being unable to find his "Woody." These are jokes a kid (hopefully) will never understand.
Some Kids' Movies Should Be Avoided All Together
Twitter @jnyemb
Here's a dad who is obviously frustrated with the lack of originality in Hollywood. It's clear that filmmakers are bent on recycling ideas or making unnecessary sequels. But sometimes even their original ideas are questionable. That includes the film The Emoji Movie. The lead character is an emoji who wants to be "normal."
The movie was slammed by critics. It was also featured on many "worst of" lists because it was so terrible. This dad knows that even if it's an original idea, that doesn't mean it's good.