Do you love animals? Are you settled in a career but often daydream about leaving up your current job in order to spend your time with the creatures you love? Well, you2019re in luck. Check out this list of the many careers out there that involve animals. Perhaps, you2019ll even find your new life2019s work!
Animal Rights Lawyer
Animal rights lawyers are lawyers who focus specifically on the rights of animals which can include a far-ranging number of topics. Some organizations like the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) keep animal lawyers on staff. While sometimes you might be as hands-on with animals as other jobs but will still be able to help animals greatly. Working as a lawyer can be quite tedious so in addition to loving animals you also have to be fond of reading lots of documents as well as writing. One thing is for sure, you will definitely have a huge impact on the lives of animals.
Animal Whisperer or Animal Psychic
An animal whisperer is a person who claims to be able to use extra sensory communication in order to better communicate with animals. Sometimes people claim this to be done through observation techniques while others claim to be actual psychics. Like people psychics, there are even some who claim to communicate with beloved deceased pets. Of course, as is common with psychics, there are many critics who claim that the entire idea of a psychic is a hoax. Still others claim they are able to read an animal by judging their "electromagnetic energy". So, if you are into extra sensory perception or even behavioral study and you love animals perhaps this is the job for you!
Animal Psychologist
If you are interested in psychology and love animals you should definitely look into becoming an animal psychologist. Animal psychologist can work both from a research standpoint and in actually applying. In research, animal psychologists study animal behavior in the way they relate with one another of the same species, animals of other species and even human beings. Animal psychologists also work in applied settings in which they take on responsibilities that are similar to what human psychologists undertake. These psychologists work to find out what underlying causes might be affecting animal2019s behavior such as various mood disorders or other issues like anxiety.
BarkPost Writer
BarkPost has both a website and a newsletter dedicated solely to their number one love, dogs. If you are a major dog lover who also happens to have a love for writing, this might be the job for you. BarkPost says one of the main qualifications in order to secure a job with their company is pretty simple 2013 must love dogs. The writers are known to find the cutest gifs, videos and photos of dogs across the Internet, as well as continuously come up with excellent dog puns and memes. For dog lovers, this sounds like one of the best job opportunities around!
Service Dog Trainer
Service dogs are trained to help a variety of people, particularly veterans and those who suffer from issues like anxiety or PTSD. There are even service dogs for those who are physically disabled or who have ailments like diabetes. Some dogs can actually tell when a person2019 blood sugar drops too low. Needless to say in order for a dog to be able to help people in such amazing ways, they have to be trained which means service dog trainers are a dog. In order to get a job like this you will need lots of experience working with dogs and usually some type of certified training depending upon the location and exact specialty you are interested in training. This job is definitely an amazing way to be hands-on with animals while also helping your fellow human beings.
Animal Massage Therapist
Yes, animal massage therapy is a thing! Animal massage therapists must learn about the anatomy, physiology as well as massage techniques to use depending on what animal they are helping. The point of animal massage is the same as massage for people, it is meant to improve the patient2019s well-being. This is considered to be newer as far as animal health careers go, but is expected to grow in numbers in the coming years. Some of the techniques are aimed to help circulation and range of motion in aging pets or those that are suffering from other health ailments.
K-9 Cop
Are you interested in law enforcement but are also an animal lover? Well, there is definitely a job for you! K9 (canine) officers are regular law enforcement who happen to have a canine sidekick. Does it get any better than that? You are also responsible for the training and caring for your partner. K9 police dogs are often used as bomb or drug detectors, scent specialists meant to track missing people or alert to cadavers, and find and bite dogs who are able to find and retain a perpetrator. These positions are few and far between so competition is pretty stiff. However, if you are able to snag a position you will truly be considered one of the lucky ones!
Therapy Dog Trainer
A therapy dog trainer is quite similar to a service dog, although a therapy dog often goes and visit many people while a service dog is owned by one person. Dogs are expected to have certain kinds of personalities in order to be successful at the job. Some desired traits include being very calm, able to be touched and hugged by many people. In the same way therapy dog handlers must have certain kinds of traits such as being very social and positive. It is also imperative to use positive training as opposed to aversive training which would be not only detrimental to the dog but whomever his needing therapy services. There are many local programs that train everyday people and dogs for the job.
Animal Behaviorist
An animal behaviorist is kind of like an anthropologist for animals. If you love to watch animals and how they interact with one another, humans, and the world around them, this might be the job for you. In particular animal behaviorists typically specialize in one particular breed of animal and it could be everything from saltwater fish to livestock. It also typically the job of animal behaviorist to study why animals behave the way they do and try to determine what could change that behavior (particularly if is detrimental). All types of issues can affect an animal2019s behavior including the weather or even hunger and it is up to the behaviorist to pinpoint the issue as close as they can.
Animal Photographer
If you are a creative person who loves animals, what better way to combine your two passions than by becoming an animal photographer?! It seems as though people have become so enamored with their pets over the years that they often will have their photos professionally taken. People have even known to commission pieces of artwork of their beloved pets. The salary for the profession is quite good too and for some is even on par with what one would pay for a wedding photographer, which can come with quite a hefty price tag. Where do we sign up?
Dog Show Handler
A dog show handler is exactly what it sounds like, the person running alongside a dog and showing off the traits of a dog while at one of the many prestigious dog shows around the world. For this job, it is imperative you are not shy in front of crowds, good with showmanship and the art of presenting. Quite often, dog show handlers do not own the dog they are showing but much like a horse jockey they are simply handling the owner for another behind the scenes owner. It is the handlers job to do the best presentation possible of the do and be very well versed in whatever breed it is they are showing.
Movie Animal Trainer
In almost every movie or television show that you watch there is some kind of animal to be seen, typically household pets like a dog or cat. These animals don2019t simply saunter on set ready to shoot like a normal actor, these animals have to have very specialized trainers. In fact, trainers are present whether or not the animal is the star of the scene. Animal trainers must be very well versed in animal behavior and various techniques like operant conditioning in order to get animals to perform the specific behavior that is wanted for the scene. You must also be resilient because quite often the director might not get the exact take on the very first try. On film sets, trainers also have to fire specific guidelines on how to meet industry standards.
Dog Walker
Although dog walkers are not the first job that come to mind when you think of well-paid jobs 2013 in some cities it can actually be quite lucrative. A dog walker visits the home of their client and takes their dog on a walk-in order to ensure the dog is getting proper exercise. Sometimes dog walkers visit the home more than once depending upon the length of time the owner will be away. This also sometimes includes pet sitting in case the owner is travelling out of town overnight. In addition to walking, dog walkers are also responsible for checking the dog2019s food and water and make sure their environment is safe and the dog is happy and healthy.
Kennel Manager
A kennel manager is the person responsible at a kennel and for all of the dogs and other animals kept at the location they manage. Owners use kennels to board their dogs for overnight stays, sometimes for long lengths of time when they have to travel for work or leisure. The kennel manager is the one responsible for the property and all the animals that are housed therein. The responsibilities include feeding, cleaning, grooming, exercising, administering medications, and generally watching over any boarded dogs or cats. It is also necessary to be very personable for this position, as people are trusting you with their beloved pets. If you are not a happy person, it isn2019t likely they would want to leave their animal with you. In addition to the pet aspect of the job, general management responsibilities come in to play as well. So if you are good at organization, customer service and love animals, you might be cut out for this job!
Zoologists are biologists who specify under the umbrella of zoology which covers many different animal species. As the name insinuates, zoologists are typically employed by zoos. Often the job encompasses a variety of tasks that can include research, management, and knowledge of a wide variety of animal species. Sometimes the zoologist might head up a project, even drafting academic reports. They might also be more hands on and typically work with a host of other animal career people including zoo keepers and veterinarians. You might even have to brave some harsh temperatures in pursuit of the job, so you must definitely be sure about your love of animals.
Panda Hugger
Alright, so there are not too many of this job to go around, but whoever gets it is definitely one lucky animal lover! At the Giant Panda Protection and Research Center located in China, you can actually be paid to have title 201cpanda hugger201d. The job pays an approximate $32,000 dollars yearly and entails exactly what you might think it does. You are essentially a panda caretaker for both the babies and adults of the species. According to the Center your job includes, 201cSpending 365 days with the pandas and sharing in their joys and sorrows. You need perseverance for this job.201d Sounds like a pretty amazing opportunity to us!
Animal Cruelty Investigator
Here is one of the sadder entries on the list, but probably one of the most necessary 2013 an animal cruelty investigator. The investigators job is similar to that of law enforcement involving humans only they are looking at the ways an animal might have been cruelly treated or abused. Similar to Child Protective Services, people often make reports regarding the welfare of various animals which can be everything from livestock to cats and dogs. At that point, the investigator must investigate the claims can be claims an animal has been left abandoned, is being neglected or starved, or physically abused. If the claims are verified by the investigator they can take the animal out of the owner2019s custody and also often work with actual law enforcement in order to make an arrest.
Animal Chiropractor
Did you know that animals have their very own chiropractors? Yes, it2019s true! Just like people animals are able to have their very own chiropractor at their disposal. Animal chiropractors study various animal anatomies and the neuro-musculo-skeletal systems. Often, just like in humans, if there is something out of alignment there can be many other effects in your pet2019s health. If the spine is not aligned properly it can cause many other issues including loss of mobility, organ dysfunction, and really take a toll on your pet2019s entire life. If you are super interested in animal anatomy and also would love to assist in the health of animals this might be the profession for you!
Marine Biologist
Are you absolutely enamored with sea creatures and aquatic life? Then a marine biologist might be the career for you! Marine biologists actually gain knowledge in a wide spanning variety of sea life which can include creatures like whales and even coral. Marine biology is a largely sought after job and can be sometimes difficult to score one of the better paying jobs, although some are quite lucrative. The jobs one can find are often for private companies or in academia. This job is also relatively hands on and although lots of academic research is involved, a lot of the research is conducted on sight, meaning marine biologists can be found in the ocean.
Now for one of the old standbys for all those who love animals 2013 veterinarians. While this might be a no brainer, what job could be greater if you love animals? You get to be hands on and really help all different kinds of animals on a daily basis. Veterinarians often have their own specialty from domesticated pets, to zoos, or livestock. A vet is, in the simplest terms, an animal doctor. They are responsible for performing well checkups, administering shots and medication in order to keep your pet in tip top condition. It2019s also the job of vets to diagnose any kinds of illnesses or other medical and surgical procedures. The job pays quite a good salary, sometimes even in the six figures, but you are also expected to have a doctorate level education just like medical doctors.